Sunday, June 26, 2011

Freedom, forgiveness

One of the commenters in a discussion on TED on forgiveness mentioned the idea of asking oneself, "How does this serve me?"

He was referring to being, or thinking of oneself as a victim, but I realize that this applies to everything I "don't like," everything I find painful or wish was otherwise.

With that in mind, how does having a messy home serve me?
  • Is it keeping me from thinking about anything else?
  • Is it keeping me from having friends and family visit?
  • Is it keeping me from feeling peaceful?
  • Is it not so much about having a messy home as about not feeling "compelled" to clean up?
  • Is it about feeling free to "do what I want?"
Every time I decide to do something, I seem to create an additional "me," that is standing there with a pointing finger making me feel humiliated.

What is freedom? Trying to find freedom, I feel like I am losing it.

This is painful. Not knowing which way to turn.

Although it is painful, it is an opportunity to learn.  I return to the question, "How does this serve me?"

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