Sunday, January 3, 2010


I think this is working out to be the year of the rat here - although it will actually be the year of the Tiger, come Chinese New Year's Day.

We heard noise in the walls and attic. We put a Rat Zapper and baited it with dog treats in the attic. It kills rats with an electric shock using D-cells. It works!

(We had hunted for a humane way to deal with them, but the Zapper seems to be the closest we could get. We investigated using a Havahart/? trap, but we would have to let them go somewhere, and NO ONE wants rats. They are almost as popular as the plague...probably because they carry diseases like bubonic plague.)

January 1 - Rat #1
January 2 - Rat #2
January 3 - Rat #3

Now I'm beginning to wonder if we need to buy a bigger aluminum ladder. Paul has been bringing up one of his old heavy wooden ladders that he used to use for painting. Our ceilings are so high that the 6 foot aluminum ones are too short.